Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Symbolism of the Violet Dove

I know that you all have seen this picture to the left a lot, but it's important for me to explain what it means!  :)  Especially since I was the one who designed and drew it!

Yes, for those of you wondering, there is an actual animal called a "violet dove" (click on the word there to go to a picture), but I only found that out AFTER beginning the Project!

The dove is a universal sign of peace, and what better symbol to use for a movement meant to create awareness and acceptance?  Acceptance of self, too!  It's vital for every person to accept their inner beings - especially young women of the LGBT community.  After all, with everything the media is trying to shove down our throats, it's a miracle for us to even reach a true definition of self!

Further, why a violet dove?  Well, purple has come to be known as a "pride color" for those of the LGBT community!  Rainbow was also another option, but I feel as if violet is a much more unifying color.

Finally, there is the symbol on the chest of the VioDove: the female symbol inside a heart.  Since Project Violet Dove focuses mainly on the female LGBT community, it was important to me to emphasize that.  :)

So, there you are!  :)  The symbolism of the VioDove!  It is a rather beautiful animal, isn't it?  As well it should be!

It's all for beautiful people like you!


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